
Prophet David Wagner

Father's Heart Ministry

David Wagner is known for his passion for Jesus Christ and his love for people. He is recognized as a relevant and accurate prophetic voice that God is using all over the earth today. He uses his prophetic gifting to empower, equip, and encourage people to discover their destiny and identity in Christ. Dave has a huge heart of mercy and carries a special grace to meet people wherever they are at in life. He is passionate about reaching the lost, healing the hurting, and restoring the broken through the powerful word of God and the demonstration ofthe Holy Spirit. David has had the honor of leading tens of thousands of people into a real relationship with Jesus Christ. Through his ministry many people have experienced true freedom from bondage and disease through the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Dave uses his personal life experiences, testimony, and sense of humor to encourage and minister to people from every walk of life. In 2001 David established Father's Heart Ministries after The Lord spoke to him saying: "I am anointing you to reveal the Heart of the Father to the nations. You shall be a father to the fatherless and a voice to the voiceless. I will use you to heal the orphan spirit and set the captive free. Through you I will turn the heartsof fathers to their children and the children back to their fathers."

Since starting Father's Heart, David has ministered across the United States and in more than 60 nations. He has served on the leadership team of Jubilee International Ministries for the past 14 years. Dave also serves on the Board of Directors for Jubilee Christian Academy, The New England Prayer Center, and other ministry boards around the world. In 2010 David also established a program known as Motorcycles 4 Missions, through which he distributes motorcycles to pastors andmissionaries around the world. Dave has recently authored and published his 9rst book "He Called Me Son".

Dr. Nick Gough

Dr. Nigh Gough Ministries

Nick firmly believes that the Bible can change your life, especially when you pair it with hearing God's voice.  In high school, he saw a friend get radically delivered from drugs with just one prophetic word of healing.  He then dedicated his life and was filled with the Spirit.   Nick wanted to know a mighty God who could intervene in his life, not some God who used to do miracles but stopped doing them in the first century. He wanted this miracle-working God who intervenes in his world, who is powerful, knew him, and loved him.  This pursuit drives him and pushes him to help others experience the same.

What if we use experiential encounters the way Jesus did, using the prophetic and healing to stir up faith in the skeptical or unsure mind?

Mary Ann Funk

Kids Ministry

We are once again excited to have Mary Ann Funk here to minister to the children. We'll have special things for children age 5-12. These are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights during the conference. Bring the kids! We'd love to have them here!

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© 2016 Community Church International
Community Church International
17042 160the Ave NE
Thief River Falls, MN 56701
